User Replays
Created on 15 November, 2023 • Frequently Asked Questions • 667 views • 1 minutes read
User website visit recordings. What you need to know.
Hootmaps. developed two types of tracking pixels. A lightweight website tracking mode and another more advanced website tracking code.
In order to track more in-depth analytics, such as user replays you need to install the advanced website tracking mode. Read here on how to install and verify your pixel tracking code.
Why am I not seeing all user replays?
There might be several reasons why Hootmaps is not able to track or display all the users replays as part of the collected data.
- External factors beyond our control, such as the ones listed on our user tracking information page
- Hootmaps limits screen replays to a minimum duration of 30 seconds since they might be deemed of a very low to low relevance. Such replays will automatically be deleted after 24 hours of user inactivity to make sure the session is not active anymore.
- Your plan has reached its monthly allowed replays. You can upgrade your account to add more replays to your data.
Why are some of the replays blank?
You might notice some user sessions resulting in a blank white screen. Your site overall performance might be causing this issues. If your site takes too long to load, loads slow external scripts and underperforming our user sessions recording would not be able to capture the user session properly.
Why are some of the replays static or without user interaction?
There is nothing wrong with these replies. The reason you see static replies or without user interaction is due to the user changing the browser tab or screen after he loads your website session.